GOODBYE ALL, Everything will be kept as memoriesYesterday was the last day of W45R being together as a class and having lesson.
Maths was our last module for Sem1, and faci was being nice to us so we ended lesson at around 12.30pm.
We joked and had fun together with faci and it ended of with an award ceremony for 3 categories.
It was so funny please. Saying faci's prizes were soap and it was damn funny.
After lesson ended, we all stayed back and had some activities to end the whole semester.
We had to do whatever we chose with 1 of our classmates that we chose.
So, i needed to kiss Jasma's cheek when it was my turn.
I need to do it infront of the class and someone took a photo of it. :D
Everyone was filled with laughter.
Then, we watched the video that Joycey and some of them made for the class.
It was touching, all the moments we spent together and all the joy.
Before that, Evelyn cried and at that point of time, I was going to cry too.
Eyes were somehow with tears already.
so sad pls..But when we watched the videos, we only can see all the happy moments together and everybody laughed.
After that, there was this nicely printed out class photo for each and everyone of us sponsered by Jian Hui.
So nice of himEverybody was needed to write down in each peron's photo about that person.
All of us were damn busy walking around writing for everyone.
While writing, we took many many photos together as it was our last day.
We were having fun and went around taking photos with everyone.
I felt that the class was really united but the sad thing was that it was already the end.
When it ended the whole thing, all of us were really sad and most of us hugged each other goodbye.
It will be the last time all of us will get together already.
And so, this is the end of W45R already.
All the joyful moments, laughter and fun.. will be kept as memories from now on.
There will be no more W45R, we will all be separated and only to hope to meet up and see each other in school.
But I still thank everyone to be part of W45R.
Without you guys, it will not be complete anymore.
Thanks for everything.
Lastly for some people, I will comment you on your facebook walls.
Lastly, takecaree..