After every rain, there will always be a sunshine Long time never update my blog already.
Im so freaking lazy please.
Holidays are always the best!
Relax all the way and nua.
But for us, poly students, we will be having our dearest friend that is exam in another 2 weeks time.
And so now is not really the time for me to enjoy anymore..
Gonna start studying soon.
I dont want to retake modules or whatsoever. *cross fingers
These few days kept giving Honey attitude.
Im so so sorry, but still you forgave me time after time.
Im so fortunate to have you..
You made me smile everytime.
I will make the effort to be a good gf, I promise. ♥
Thanks for everything.
You are my one and only.
Nobody will replace you in my ♥.
I love you