Cognitive and Science UT2 results have been released alr.
Score a B for Cog and D+ for Science.
LOL, I still rmb I anyhow do science as there was no 6th P for me to refer to.
Do on paper and tikam somemore.
Well, I just dont know why I miss my Honey so much.
I have the sudden urge of wanting him to be by my side now.
I miss him alot alot alot! )):

Feel a sense of satisfaction.
Firstly, I really am very happy and fortunate!
I have a boyfriend who really cares and give in to me.
Yesterday having moodswing all of a sudden.
I just threw my temper like don't know what, but he just keep quiet and never say anything about it.
After that, he just told me to control my temper, and then his teachings again. (:
This is to prevent quarrels and everything.
And everytime, he will always be there to make me smile and my day will be as bright as ever.
Play around like nobody's business.
Yesterday felt unwell and so went to his place to rest.
Fred, Nic and Jack around also.
Talk so much cock!
Anyw, I just love Honey ttm!
Secondly, today is OCL.
Meaning, home learning.
Do work like what we did in class, but it is at home.
so shiok!Woke up at 8.15am!
Thought can showoff to Peishan, but then she never go schl also. -.-
Discuss PDT with team and then do PPT myself.
So happy luh, I did not really know what to do though.
Just tried.
A lot of them not doing, then I was like saying I got do.
They all say "miracle siaaaaa". Like wth cans?
I do for around 30mins and Im done with it. :D
In around 2 weeks time, the class will go separate ways alr. D:
How sadd ):Will miss everybody and those whom we always make fun of, cause its funny.
Currently listening to:
I Do Cherish You - 98 Degrees
I'm in class now, blogging.
So free today, after such a long day of discussing and everything.
Yay-ness! (:
School is going to be over in like 10-15 more mins.
More yay-ness! :D
Going to help Nic with his things tgt with Isaac and co.
Hope it pays off.
Honey coming naow to fetch me, sweet uh.
Love him ttm!
Going Lot1 later..
26th July:
Formal DayIt was so fun cans?
The whole class looked so different and everybody was madly snapping photos of each other esp Jasma -.-
She went around to everyone and snapshot each and every person solo.
Many group photos too.
But the sufferings were when I go home.
Aww~The heels were making my little feet hurt. ):
Even up till now, leg muscle cramps.
After that same routine at Lot1, but intended to Kbox, but no more space.
27th July:
Stupid DayToday was really sian.
Freaking tired and damn suay.
Stomach cramps until like __, honey came just to accompany me home.
Still cab down uh and pass me panadol.
How sweet (':Thanks uh, Hon!
Came home and sleep all the way till 10pm -.-
So shiok!
Going down to meet Honey awhile then come home for my beauty sleep again (:
Currently listening to:
Dance In The Dark - Lady Gaga
Life is so boringRandom only me.
But life is really really boring cans?
Everyday same routine.
Wake up, eat, bathe, use lappy, go out, eat, bathe, slp. -.-
Went arcade again and tried break record and such.
Got break some, but some stuck. Wth luh
Don't know when can get SS D:
SiannsSee Honey and Kang play drum...
Go down slack.
LOL really everyday same thing.
Bobian, this is life, isn't itTomorrow formal day, looking forward to it.
I think I'll look weird in formal. omg!
Hope tmr will be fun. (:
I Love You, Honey
Currently listening to:
Boom, Shake, Drop - Pitbull
HELLO! I've made a new blog. (:
Will try to be more commited to it, I hope.
Just have an urge to create a blog again.
For fun, peace, joy & laughter. Anyw, only afew words to describe these few days.
All thanks to someone luh.
I Love You :D
Going lot1 soon.
Currently listening to:
Have You Ever - S Club 7