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stories biography escapes archives


Hello, I am Rachel, currently 17 studying in Republic Poly Year 1 DIEM. My D.O.B is on 5thMarch, so I expect presents. I ♥ shopping, singing, music, friends, travelling, food and laughing. I hate hypocrites, shoo far away from me please. Lastly, I ♥ my bf ttm! (:


Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hello, I'm like back for such a long time.
Met Pri schl peeps yst.
Denyce, Sarah, Hao Jie, Shun Jie and Nat
went to eat at Doby Ghaut's Just Acia.
Saw Wei lin there too. such a small world
Then while we waited for Nat at the eating place, S, D and I went to look around and there was this shop selling brownies.
They look AWESOMEEE, and we sampled it. HAHA! :D
Tasted not bad so I bought 2 back for my dearest.
Went to slack and arcade and photos photos photos.
And after, back to lot to find dearest.
After that, I dont want talk about it alr.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

30th Aug:
Spent a great time with some of W45R!
Thanks to Joycey for organising this outing and those who joined.
Met up with Joyce, YY, Jian Hui, Wei Qiang & Eugene for prawning first.
Something happened when we were about to board the shuttle bus..
Damn suayy, dont want to elaborate on it.
When we reached the ulu country club, there was like nobody there as though it was haunted or something.
We had the whole prawning place to ourselves! (: shiok shiok!
Had alot alot of fun!
Too bad for those who missed it.
I thought it would be like boring and really difficult to get the prawns.
But I found out that it was so fun and we really did enjoyed ourselves. :D
Everybody caught prawns.
Wei Qiang even cheated in getting them!
After that we BBQ-ed them.
All of us felt so sinful. :X
Well, in conclusion, all of us had great fun and laughter!
Met up with Fadhli, Charmaine, Shelby, Xin Rong, Ezra at Compass Point and had KFC.
Chatted and laughed alot!
Thanks for the day.
And (Y) for having another prawning session after UT3! (:

Found a job as a sales promoter which is kind of tiring but the pay is damn attractive.
1st day at Expo which was freaking far
2nd day at Yew Tee Point which was freaking near (:
Tried my best and I was employed.
I must do my best then get more customers, so that I can earned the money I want to go on my trip with my Honey. :D

Lastly, sorry Honey for these few days.
Making you angry at times..

Thursday, August 26, 2010
After every rain, there will always be a sunshine

Long time never update my blog already.
Im so freaking lazy please.
Holidays are always the best!
Relax all the way and nua.
But for us, poly students, we will be having our dearest friend that is exam in another 2 weeks time.
And so now is not really the time for me to enjoy anymore..
Gonna start studying soon.
I dont want to retake modules or whatsoever. *cross fingers

These few days kept giving Honey attitude.
Im so so sorry, but still you forgave me time after time.
Im so fortunate to have you..
You made me smile everytime.
I will make the effort to be a good gf, I promise. ♥
Thanks for everything.
You are my one and only.
Nobody will replace you in my ♥.
I love you

Saturday, August 14, 2010
GOODBYE ALL, Everything will be kept as memories

Yesterday was the last day of W45R being together as a class and having lesson.
Maths was our last module for Sem1, and faci was being nice to us so we ended lesson at around 12.30pm.
We joked and had fun together with faci and it ended of with an award ceremony for 3 categories.
It was so funny please. Saying faci's prizes were soap and it was damn funny.
After lesson ended, we all stayed back and had some activities to end the whole semester.
We had to do whatever we chose with 1 of our classmates that we chose.
So, i needed to kiss Jasma's cheek when it was my turn.
I need to do it infront of the class and someone took a photo of it. :D
Everyone was filled with laughter.
Then, we watched the video that Joycey and some of them made for the class.
It was touching, all the moments we spent together and all the joy.
Before that, Evelyn cried and at that point of time, I was going to cry too.
Eyes were somehow with tears already. so sad pls..
But when we watched the videos, we only can see all the happy moments together and everybody laughed.
After that, there was this nicely printed out class photo for each and everyone of us sponsered by Jian Hui. So nice of him
Everybody was needed to write down in each peron's photo about that person.
All of us were damn busy walking around writing for everyone.
While writing, we took many many photos together as it was our last day.
We were having fun and went around taking photos with everyone.
I felt that the class was really united but the sad thing was that it was already the end.

When it ended the whole thing, all of us were really sad and most of us hugged each other goodbye.
It will be the last time all of us will get together already.
And so, this is the end of W45R already.
All the joyful moments, laughter and fun.. will be kept as memories from now on.
There will be no more W45R, we will all be separated and only to hope to meet up and see each other in school.
But I still thank everyone to be part of W45R.
Without you guys, it will not be complete anymore.
Thanks for everything.

Lastly for some people, I will comment you on your facebook walls.
Lastly, takecaree..

Saturday, August 7, 2010
I fall for you deeply...

Hello! Just felt like posting today so yea here I am.
I feel so relax today, no more sat redemption booth work already, so I can sleep till very late on Sat (: happy and shiok ttm!
Woke up at 3pm, like so pig, I know..
Saw Honey's msg and he was already awake at about 12. LOL!
Nua at home and he wanted me to go his house accompany him because he's too bored.
Prepared and everything and straight went to find him.
*fast forwardd...
Slacked at Yewtee park awhile and off to town.
Reached Newton alr and then Rainer called and Hon wants him to come town with us.
So he suggest we train back to where he is and go town together.
Good suggestion eh -.-!
So process is, Yewtee -> Newton -> Bishan -> Somerset

Arcade awhile only and then they went to play Snooker, is it? Guess so.
Watch them play and back to CCK after that.
Slacked at my house badminton court with Honey, Jackson, Daohong.
And then I realised I've been msging Joyce the whole day.
Sooo sweet right?
She damn funny.
Im gonna miss her though. ):

I dont want this week to pass so quickly please?
Its the last week of W45R.. Argg! hate it ttm!

Oh and yay to today!
Going to the club event at night later, oh so cool! (:

Currently listening to: Boys Boys Boys - Lady Gaga

Friday, August 6, 2010
I'm so gonna miss W45R man! D:
Time really do flies, dont you agree?
It flies too fast you dont even realise it.

Now, its left with counting down of 4 days with W45R before everything ends.
All the fun, joy and laughter.. soon to be memories.
Hope all of us cherish each other before the end of this semester.
Im so going to miss you guys!
All the bitchyness, gossips and love from all of you.
Its so great to know the whole W45R.
I bet everyone will be damn sad.

Today marks the end of our very first module of the semester, Cognitive.
Ms Shoba is just so great.
Having her as W45R's Cognitive faci is really honoured.
Everything just ended like this though. How fast ):
Thanks alot faci!
The class learned alot from your lessons. <3

Lastly, its just left with 4 more days and everything will be left with memories):

Monday, August 2, 2010
Back for a short post.
So bored these few days and also was feeling rather unhappy for the past 2 days.
Sorry Honey, didn't meant to be ridiculous, just cant control.
Will try my best de uh.

Yesterday went to have my hair cut early in the morning at Bukit Batok.
Cut for 15mins and its done alr. WTH like fast only -_-
Nua at home, sleep, use laptop.
Then went to celebrate cousin's birthday.
After that went to Lot1 and meet Honey there.

Not a happy day yesterday though.
But in the end felt better.

Today was a much nicer and happier day for me.
I Love You ttm! <3 <3 <3
Nua at Honey's place then Yewtee park awhile, back to Hon's, Lot1
Was really craving for sushi-s!
But in the end, didnt have it still...
Arcade then slack outside Giodarno.
Homed and I'm here now blogging. (:
Reading Xiaxue's blog these few days, interesting!

Today's Comm was fun and exciting, my team rocks! :D
Rissssss Lowwwwww! haha
Yahhh.. yahh..

Currently listening to : How Do You Sleep - Jesse McCartney